Charotte's Cool website

hi welcome to my website :3

Today's Cursed picture is The Old Sonic Movie Poster!

Website Created: December 6th 2023
Updates: i just made this page, just learning how to make a website :]
feburary 5th, 2024: added links and stuff idfk
March 4th, 2024: Added a Google Forms Link

Will be up for awhile until taken down!

  • Google Forms Link
  • Here's a link to my favortie Channels!, i remeber seeing that copy of minecraft

    You Are At the top :], Click This if you want to go to the Bottom

    I'm getting bored of all these paragraphs that look the same. Good thing we can change the style of an individual paragraph.

    Or we can change the styling of multiple paragraphs

    by assigning them to a common "class".

    Padding changes the amount of space between the inside of the tag and whatever you put inside it, like this.

    The margin changes the amount of space between the outside of the tag and whatever's outside it, like this.

    this is just example words from the example htmlused just ignore. We can do the stfndard tk: bold, italics,underline,colored text, etc. But default blue is ugly. Thisis much nicer, anduanchooyrownhex color values wherever you want.

    Because I styled the "body" tag to center everything, all the images are in the center. But we can change that if we want. We can even have an image in with the text, where the image sits to the side and the text wraps around! How cool is that?

    Scratch is a fun coding site you should try it :] Link to Scratch.

    You have reached the bottom of the Page, Yippe! Click to go back up.